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The HealthCare Ministries of Mathews United Methodist Church

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| Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer | Focus on Cholesterol | About Diabetes |


Caring for others is just one aspect of Christian discipleship.  As we grow in Christian discipleship, we learn that first, we must respond to God’s invitation and accept His offer of salvation.  Secondly, we must increase our faith in God by making Him the Lord of our life.  And thirdly, we learn that real meaning and purpose is found by being stewards of faith; that is, sharing with others what Christ means to us through modeling, words, and actions.  One of the most powerful aspects of caring for others is your presence through listening, and openness.


Caring grows out of an understanding of the nature of God.  Caring is strengthened by experiencing God’s love and care.  Many times, caregivers are those who have experienced hope in the midst of pain and who were able to grow in the midst of hurt.  Caring for one another is an expression of the “ministry of all Christians.”  It is a fulfillment of the “priesthood of believers.”  Therefore, “caring for people who hurt and have experienced loss is a natural response to God’s gracious caring.”


The body of Christ is made up of many parts.  Each of us is gifted with a spiritual gift.  “Some of the gifts of caring given to us are the ability to listen, to nurture, to accept, to be honest, to be present/available, to be patient, to keep confidences, to learn from one’s own experiences of hurt, to identify with another, and to be able to speak a word of hope in the midst of hurt and loss.”


How can we care for others?  This is a continuous ministry that provides us opportunities for service everyday.  Perhaps a family member has experienced disappointment, a person next door is lonely, a person in the hospital is in pain, a co-worker has experienced divorce, a friend has had to retire, or a person in the church has had a loved one die.  There are many different ways to care for others.  Be alert for opportunities to be of service!


Your expression of Christian discipleship can be a very meaningful asset to our community.  Be aware of the caring things you can do for another.  These gestures mean so much!  Let us make a concerted effort to increase our caring gestures for one another all through the year!  God bless!


Love in Christ,

Ann Landis, BSN, RN

Congregational Nurse

| Back To The HealthCare Ministries Homepage | The Ministry of Caring | Health Fair |

| Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer | Focus on Cholesterol | About Diabetes |

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