800 WRIGHT AVE   POB 2066   GREENWOOD, SC 29646-0066   TELEPHONE: (864) 227 - 2963

Mathews United Methodist Church On-line takes a great deal of pride in what we do as representatives of Jesus Christ and hope that the positive recognition this site receives will be counted as an honor to him. We thank those who have taken the time to evaluate this site for coding, design, and content; and we appreciate their positive comments and the awards they have given us.   ** Denotes Awards Program has been granted World's Top Award (WTA) honor!  All copyright for Awards won, and any membership graphics displayed on this site, belong to their respective organizations/awards programs.

*** AS! 3.0 Rated Awards ***
The following Award Programs have been given a 4.0 rating by Award Sites! --- Award Sites! is the first web / internet award rating service and now is considered the premiere rating service.  Award Sites! has never lost its focus on "Bettering The Net By Striving For Excellence".  Image (c) Award Sites! and is used with permission.

| 5.0 / 5.0+ | 4.5 | 4.0 | 3.5 | 3.0 | 2.5 |

| AS! Rated Awards | Awards Index | Website Awards Nominee Page |


Literate Internet Site Award - RETIRED

Dear Mr. Moseley,

I have reviewed your site and feel compelled to say how privileged we feel to be able to offer Mathews United Methodist Church On-line our literacy award.  While many awards are meant to recognize achievement in design, we want to praise those webmasters who respect their subject matter and visitors enough to carefully construct their "message".  Your site exceeded our expectations!

Your attention to grammar, spelling and proper English usage are certainly evident, but above everything else, your theme rings true. On a personal note, I found your topic of "service" to be especially thoughtful and inspirational.

Congratulations on a job very well done!

Warmest regards,

Lisa Casey Perry

Awards Program Is Now Retired

Thank you very much Lisa for this special website award.  We, at Mathews UMC On-line, appreciate your kind remarks about our web ministry!
Sep 17, 2004


Dragon Scales Silver Award - RETIRED

Congratulations Dale,

Your site has won the Dragon Scale Award. Below are listed the points in which you received for each part of the Judging Process.

Originality/Creativity: 20/25
Navigation/Layout: 20/20
Design/Graphics: 12/15
Links External & Internal: 15/15
Overall appearance/Effect: 11/15
Loading Time: 10/10

Total score: 88/100

I have enjoyed reviewing your site and will most likely be back for another visit.

Best regards,

Dragon Scale Awards

Awards Program Is Now Retired

The Mathews UMC On-line Web Ministry team would like to thank Richard for this stunning award!  Thanks once again Richard!
Sep 15, 2004


- Top of Page -

Invision-Graphics Web Design Award

Hello Mr. Dale Moseley:

After careful consideration and evaluation of your site, we are honored to present you with the Web Design Award! The site evaluation was very pleasant on the eyes and very well structured out and categorized into specific sections!

We know how much work and dedication that has gone into this great web site that you have built and we have found your site to be among the best on the Internet and hereby award you with the Web Design Award!

Your current report card for your site:

How your web site was judged?

· Creativity and Design = 30/30
· Programming + Browser Compatibility/Etc. = 20/30
· Ease of use and navigation = 20/20
· Color and Scheme = 15/20
Equaling =85/100

Congratulations once again on a job well done!

Comments from the judges: "After reviewing this site we found that it meets our strict criteria! The content and resources Mathews United Methodist Church provides to the public and to its followers is very refreshing, it was well thought out to meet the needs of their peers. Their Website design in itself, is very clean and refreshing on the eyes, it was an honor to present this award to Mathews United Methodist Church for the fine work they are doing in helping others spiritually."
Invision-Graphics Inc
CEO Mr. Shawn DesRochers
Jan 3, 2005

Mona Lisa Select Site Award

Dear Dale,

Thank you for applying for the Mona Lisa Select Site Award.

After a careful examination of your site,  we find that it merits our award for its design, spiritual relevance, informative content and inspiration. The wide variety of subjects, will appeal to my art students who are currently  involved  in web design and media.

 As a result, your site is being featured as our selected site for the month  in our newsletter.

Congratulations for creating a well designed website.

Best regards,
Steve Feld
Mona Lisa Select Site Award
AS! 3.0

Feb 17, 2005

- Top of Page -

Web Design Classics Gold Award - RETIRED

Dear Dale,

Thank you for applying for the Web Design Classics Award.  You have a very excellent and beautiful site!  Very sleek and elegant.  Really well designed. 

Congratulations, you have just won the Web Design Classics Gold Award.  Attached is our award and we ask you link back to . Please let us know when it has posted and that you accept our award.

Best Wishes
Web Design Classics
Award Rated 3.0 AS!!
UWSAG 1.0+

Awards Program Is Now Retired

Mar 7, 2005

Animation Playhouse Award

Thank you for applying for our award.

We have reviewed your fantastic site and are pleased to give you our award!!  Attached is the award and we ask you place the award on your site.  Please let us know you have posted the award and that you have accepted the award.

Stop by and visit our site at http://www.animationplayhouse.com for some "free animation"

Animation Playhouse
Rated 3.0 AS!!

Mar 28, 2005

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Fartown School Awards - RETIRED

Hi Dale,

After visiting your website, Mathews United Methodist Church On-line, we all in agreement that a lot of hard has been put in to creating and maintaining your pages.  It is because of this we would like to offer you one of the Fartown School awards - it's been a long time since we have visited a site where navigation is as easy as what it is on your pages.

As the Fartown School website focuses on our school days, our awards are not classed as 'Gold', 'Silver' or 'Bronze' as with most other sites, but are based on the grades we received whilst we were at school - 'Grade A', 'Grade B', 'Grade C', etc.  We would like to award your website our 'Grade B' award and we would be honoured if you were to display it on your pages.

Many thanks,

Charlie Lockwood

Fartown School Award Ratings
Webs Awards - Level 9.0  [Earl of Awards]
Award Sites!   Level 3.0
U.S.W.A.G. - Level 3.0

Mathews United Methodist Church On-line is extremely pleased to accept this GRADE B award from the Fartown School Awards Program! Thanks so Charlie so very much for this recognition.
Apr 3, 2005


Dear Dale,

We have completed your evaluation and your site has achieved a Bronze Award.

Thank you,
Keith Avery
KOSA Awards

Awards Program Is Now Retired

Mathews UMC is very proud to receive this brand-new AS!3.0 rated website award!  Thank you Keith for this wonderful recognition.
May 29, 2005

- Top of Page -

2005 A1 Web Works Designs Award - RETIRED

Congratulations Dale:

Your Web site has been selected to win a Web Works Site Award. I have chosen your site, to be a worthy of our " Designs Award ".


November 21, 2005

Private Detective Web Bronze Award - RETIRED


This is to notify you that we have reviewed your website, and would like to offer you our Private Detective Web Award ©.  You have done a fine job as we found your website enjoyable and well-designed.  It was rated 77 out of a possible 100 points as the graphics were clean, navigation was easy, and there was solid content.



June 9, 2006

  Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3

| 5.0 / 5.0+ | 4.5 | 4.0 | 3.5 | 3.0 | 2.5 |

| AS! Rated Awards | Awards Index | Website Awards Nominee Page |
Mathews United Methodist Church Indentification Strip



If you find inaccuracies or incomplete information, don't find what you were looking for, or would simply like to say hello; e-mail any comments, corrections or updates to our   Your help is sincerely appreciated in making this web site a valuable tool for the members of the congregation, our visitors, and always a testimony to our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ. The content of these pages is the sole responsibility of Mathews United Methodist Church. Thank you!

If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions --- please do not hesitate to contact the WebSteward (webmaster) using the hyper-link to the left or by clicking on this graphic image.  


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