800 WRIGHT AVE   POB 2066   GREENWOOD, SC 29646-0066   TELEPHONE: (864) 227 - 2963

Mathews United Methodist Church On-line takes a great deal of pride in what we do as representatives of Jesus Christ and hope that the positive recognition this site receives will be counted as an honor to him. We thank those who have taken the time to evaluate this site for coding, design, and content; and we appreciate their positive comments and the awards they have given us.   The 2.5 rating by Award Sites! are for currently-rated awards programs OR for awards programs that were "rated" 2.5 at the time of award presentationAll copyright for Awards won, and any membership graphics displayed on this site, belong to their respective organizations/awards programs.

*** AS! 2.5 Rated Awards ***
The following Award Programs have been given (either previously or currently) a 2.5 rating by Award Sites! --- Award Sites! is the first web / internet award rating service and now is considered the premiere rating service.  Award Sites! has never lost its focus on "Bettering The Net By Striving For Excellence".  Image (c) Award Sites! and is used with permission.

| 5.0 / 5.0+ | 4.5 | 4.0 | 3.5 | 3.0 | 2.5 |

| AS! Rated Awards | Awards Index | Website Awards Nominee Page |


2004 Antique Collector "Website of Merit" & "Best Site" Awards

Hello Dale,

I'm really sorry for the delay in replying to your request, I'm sure you think me very rude.  This has been due pressures of work and I assure you was absolutely unintentional. I am more than pleased to offer you the Antique Collector award. Your Mathews United Methodist Church site is very informative and a very nice design.  But then, I would expect nothing less from you!!  What can I say?  Love that drop down navigation ... very clever.
My very best regards and your continued success,
Philip Chave
Antique Collector

Jul 30, 2004
Jul 30, 2004

2005 Antique Collector Award

Hello Dale,
Congratulations on a great website!  You continue to surprise and impress us all with your hard work.  I am more than pleased to offer you the Antique Collector award.

My very best regards and your continued success,
Philip Chave
Antique Collector

Mar 16, 2005

- Top of Page -

K & C's 2005 Design Award - RETIRED

Dear Dale,

Congratulations, you won!

Katstorm and Co. is proud to present you with our web site design award. Your web site was thoughtfully reviewed and found to meet all of the necessary requirements to merit receiving our award.

Again, Congratulations, well done!


Katherine Cook
CEO Katstorm and Co.

Award Program Is Now Retired

Mathews UMC On-line would like to thank Katherine Cook and everyone at Katstorm & Company (K & C) for this wonderful (and newly AS! 2.5 rated) website award.  Thanks Katherine!
Mar 16, 2005

Shayeri Award of Excellence - RETIRED

Dear Dale Frederick Moseley,

Your site is quite beautiful and it was a pleasure to go through your site.  You have a very healthy theme for the site, May GOD grant you more of publicity for the site. Your content & design are very pretty and the best on web as I found.

Best Regards
Ritu Roy !

Awards Program Is Now Retired

Apr 24, 2005

- Top of Page -

The Design Guy - RETIRED

Hello Dale, 

You submitted your site in interest of receiving one of my prestigious awards.  I went and looked at your site and sure liked what I saw.

Your site was appealing and was also easy to navigate. To me that is very important.  You might be surprised how many sites I go to and end up getting lost trying to find my way around!

Because I designed my award program to award sites for a high-level of design, I am awarding you my Silver Award rather than my Gold Award.

Again, I very much enjoyed reviewing your web site and think you did a very good job with it!

By the way, I too am a Christian.
God Bless and have a great day.
John C. Braden
The Design Guy

Awards Program Is Now Retired

I would like to thank everyone at The Grafix Guy Design Studios for bestowing Mathews United Methodist Church with this SILVER award !
May 1, 2005

A Celtic Heart Remembers

Congratulations Dale,

Thank you for inviting me to review your website.   Your design and choice  of colors are pleasing to the eye.  You have done a marvelous job creating a site that can be viewed by visitors of all ages.

Again congratulations and success in all your endeavors.

Sith agus Slainte bha!
(Peace and Good Health to you!)

Margaret ~

Alba Awards Program
AS Rated 2.5

A Celtic Heart Remembers

June 23, 2006

A Celtic Heart Remembers (SOTM)

Congratulations Dale,

Thank you for inviting me to review your website.   Your design and choice  of colors are pleasing to the eye.  You have done a marvelous job creating a site that can be viewed by visitors of all ages.

Again congratulations and success in all your endeavors.

Sith agus Slainte bha!
(Peace and Good Health to you!)

Margaret ~

Alba Awards Program
AS Rated 2.5

A Celtic Heart Remembers

July 12, 2006

- Page 1 -

| 5.0 / 5.0+ | 4.5 | 4.0 | 3.5 | 3.0 | 2.5 |

| AS! Rated Awards | Awards Index | Website Awards Nominee Page |
Mathews United Methodist Church Indentification Strip



If you find inaccuracies or incomplete information, don't find what you were looking for, or would simply like to say hello; e-mail any comments, corrections or updates to our   Your help is sincerely appreciated in making this web site a valuable tool for the members of the congregation, our visitors, and always a testimony to our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ. The content of these pages is the sole responsibility of Mathews United Methodist Church. Thank you!

If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions --- please do not hesitate to contact the WebSteward (webmaster) using the hyper-link to the left or by clicking on this graphic image.  


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