Header for Mathews United Methodist Church On-line

Masthead/header collage for Mathews United Methodist Church On-line

800 WRIGHT AVE   POB 2066   GREENWOOD, SC 29646-0066   TELEPHONE: (864) 227 - 2963

Our Trophy Case

Mathews United Methodist Church On-line takes a great deal of pride in what we do as representatives of Jesus Christ and hope that the positive recognition this site receives will be counted as an honor to him. We thank those who have taken the time to evaluate this site for coding, design, and content; and we appreciate their positive comments and the awards they have given us.  All copyright for Awards won, and any membership graphics displayed on this site, belong to their respective organizations/awards programs.

*** Independent Awards ***

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| AS! Rated Awards | Awards Index | Website Awards Nominee Page |


Brite Lite Award


Following a careful review,  Mathews United Methodist Church has won "Doc Jim's Brite Lite Award."  Display it with pride.  You've earned it!

Again, congratulations!

Doc Jim
Doc Jim's Help Page!

Award Program Is Now Retired

Mathews United Methodist Church is honored that you have bestowed this great award on our humble church website.  Thank you Jim!
Nov 2, 2004

The Koala Gold Top Site Award

Dear Dale

Some months ago, you applied for one of my awards for your  website. It was assessed and given an award but it has since come to my attention after a changeover of computers, that several of my website awards were never sent out.

Congratulations on a great website.  This KOALA'S Gold award can be linked back to my site  http://www.thekoala.com and your site has  been listed on my award winners page.  Thanks once again for applying.

Cheers Liz Hunter
(the koala)

Nov 12, 2004

--- Top of Page ---

Faithful Servant Award


You have been approved for our "Faithful Servant Award."

We have reviewed your site and found that it meets our strict criteria both for Christian Content and Website design.  It is an honor to present this award to you for the fine work you are doing in helping to spread the Word of Our Lord.

Continue your walk with God.

In Christ,

Sylvia Dean Stephens-D'Angelo

Dec 8, 2004

The "Jesus Christ Is Lord" Site Gold Award of Excellence

Mr. Moseley:

You have an excellent site that I find inspiring.

May our Lord Jesus bless you and your Church in your efforts to win the lost to Him.

W. B. (Bill) Carrigan

Awards Program Is Now Retired

The Mathews United Methodist Church On-line Web Ministry team would like to thank Bill Carrigan and the "Jesus Christ is Lord Site" for this rather inspirational website award.  Again, thanks Bill!
Dec 11, 2004
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2005 Awesome Web Award

Hello Dale,
Thank you for your interest again in my awards...*S*  You have a very informative website and once again am pleased to give the website an award.
Thank you!  Happy New Year!

Lady Lynda

Awards Program Is Now Retired

Jan 2, 2005

2004 "Best of The Web" (SOTY) Award

January 2, 2005
Hello Dale, Congratulations!
You are the recipient of my 'Best of the Web Award' for 2004. I choose at the end of the year, what I considered the best laid out website that received one of my awards during the year for this 'special' one. You have a very informative and lovely website. Congrats!
Please let me know that you received it and the url where you  placed it. Thank you! *S* You can view your link and mention of the award, on the 2004 award winners page. *S*

Lady Lynda

Awards Program Is Now Retired

The E-N-T-I-R-E Web Development team would like to thank Lynda, a.k.a. Lady Lynda, of Lady's Place for recognizing our church website; at Mathews United Methodist Church On-line (http://www.mathewsumc.org/) as being selected the "Best of The Web" / Site of The Year (SOTY) honors!  This is the first such honor our church website has received.  Once again Lynda, thank you!

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2005-2006 Gold Medal Web Award of Excellence

Congratulations from all the staff at Art Space 2000.com. You have won the "Gold Medal Web Award of Excellence" for originality, overall design and appearance, ease of navigation, and content. Keep up the good work.

Jan 3, 2005

2005-2006 World Web Award of Excellence

Congratulations from all the staff at Art Space 2000.com. You have won the "World Web Award of Excellence" for originality, overall design and appearance, ease of navigation, and content. Keep up the good work.

Jan 3, 2005

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2005 Miller Communications "Clubs & Organizations" Award

Hello again,

Dale, we are pleased to send along our Clubs & Organizations Award for inclusion on your site.  Be well.


L. Miller

Jan 21, 2005

2005-2006 DesignFirms Web Design Award

s the internet grows, so do the standards with the websites that occupy it.  With new websites entering cyberspace everyday, the demand for bigger and better sits has come.  We know this project took time, dedication and a lot of hard work.

The judges at DesignFirms.org would like to announce that your site, Mathews United Methodist Church On-line, has been found as one of the best on the Internet and hereby award you with the DesignFirms Web Design Award.

Congratulations on such a great achievement and we look forward to more submissions from you in the future.

31 points = Creativity & Design
32 points = Programming & Compatibility
33 points = Ease of use & Effectiveness
Your web site received a score of: 96 out of a possible 99 points

Jan 26, 2005

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2005 Alberta Rose Award

Congratulations and Thank You for submitting your website for the 2005 AlbertaRose Website Award!

You've created a wonderful corner on the web! Great work!

May God bless you and yours with a joyous and prosperous 2005,

Debbie Sarich, Owner
AlbertaRose Home Based Business Opportunities


Feb 2, 2005

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