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800 WRIGHT AVE   POB 2066   GREENWOOD, SC 29646-0066   TELEPHONE: (864) 227 - 2963
Our Trophy Case

Mathews United Methodist Church On-line takes a great deal of pride in what we do as representatives of Jesus Christ and hope that the positive recognition this site receives will be counted as an honor to him. We thank those who have taken the time to evaluate this site for coding, design, and content; and we appreciate their positive comments and the awards they have given us.  All copyright for Awards won, and any membership graphics displayed on this site, belong to their respective organizations/awards programs.

*** Independent Awards ***

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The Beat Post's Pure Gold Award

Hello  Dale Moseley

The Pure Gold Award Process Has been invoked....

You Have Submitted your site Mathews United Methodist Church On-line for our Pure Gold  Award.

WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?  Whatever you were thinking, it turned out OK, because I'm here to tell you today that you are now the proud winner of The Beat Post International's Pure Gold Award!
Your site more than qualified to win my award, the Pure Gold Award.  Hey, most sites don't even come close to winning my award. But yours was a hands down winner. Congratulations!
Greetings from Webmaster
Bent Bay
June 19, 2006

Stan The Man's 5-Star Award

StanTheMans 5 Star Design Award.

Congratulations you have won "StanTheMans 5 Star Design Award."  We found your site to be creative and full of content.  Your site is easy to use, friendly, and graphically pleasing.  Plus your site enhances the originality of the Internet community.


Awards Department

StanTheMan, Inc.

June 21, 2006

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The PCman Website Web Merit Award 2006


We are pleased to announce that after careful review of your website it has been decided that your site has won,  "The PCman Website Web Merit Award 2006"
 Thank you for applying for our award.
 Best Regards,
 The PCman
 Webmaster, The PCman Website
June 23, 2006

1Page Design Bronze Award 2006


 We are pleased to announce that our Awards Evaluation Team has reviewed your website. After careful examination, and judging your site against our award program criteria, it has been decided that your website has won:  "The 1 Page Design Bronze Award 2006"
 Thank you for applying for our award.
 Best Regards,
 Award Team, 1 Page Design
June 23, 2006

--- Top of Page ---

Angel Hugs Award

Hi Dale,

I just love your site!  I would love to give you this award! Thank you for visiting Angel Hugs 'N Smiles, stop by again :)

Love 'N Hugs,
June 27, 2006

The American Indian Health Council Awards

Your scoring went as follows:

18/20 points for Design

19/20 points for Layout

19/20 points for Graphics

40/40 points for Content 
96/100 points= Platinum Award 
Congratulations on wining AIHC's Platinum Award. I am also including the Award of Beauty because I feel your website deserves it.
Again my heartiest congratulations,
Mary J. York (Penobscot/Mohawk)
Executive Director
American Indian Health Council
June 28, 2006

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Silver GID Award

Congratulations! Your web-site has been awarded a Silver GID Award.

Here's what our judge had to say:  "I award your website the silver GID award."

Robin Evans~
GID Member - Judging Team.

Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything.
                                    --Katharine Hepburn

QIWA Listed

July 4, 2006


Congratulations you win the NATAYADA™ web award, you got the gold one, your site will be added at the winners list. Link me back


July 6, 2006

--- Top of Page ---

Cyber-Quake Cafe Award

Hi from Cyber-Quake Cafe:


Your web site is being recognized as an award-winning site.  Attached is our CQC Award for you.  A link to your site has been added to our Recipient List page.  Congratulations on your achievement!


Sam of Cyber-Quake Cafe



July 6, 2006

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Mathews United Methodist Church Indentification Strip



If you find inaccuracies or incomplete information, don't find what you were looking for, or would simply like to say hello; e-mail any comments, corrections or updates to our   Your help is sincerely appreciated in making this web site a valuable tool for the members of the congregation, our visitors, and always a testimony to our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ. The content of these pages is the sole responsibility of Mathews United Methodist Church. Thank you!

If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions --- please do not hesitate to contact the WebSteward (webmaster) using the hyper-link to the left or by clicking on this graphic image.  


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  All Rights Reserved.


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