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Holy Communion


Holy Communion (con't.)

Hygiene and Table Setting

Those who prepare the elements and give them to the people are to demonstrate care that the bread and cup are administered so as to minimize contamination.  In administering the elements to the people, both perception and reality of hygiene are important.  The people have justifiable health concerns that the signs of the body and blood of Christ given to them at the Holy Meal are handled carefully and with concern for hygiene.

This need for care and hygiene should be considered along with scientific studies that make it clear that those who partake in Holy Communion have no higher incidence of illness than those who do not.

Those who will prepare and serve the elements should wash their hands.  This can be done simply and without creating an additional layer of ceremony in the service.

The piece of bread given should be sizeable enough to be a generous sign of the grace that it represents and to be able to be dipped in the cup without the fingers of the recipient dipping into the liquid.

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