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800 WRIGHT AVE   POB 2066   GREENWOOD, SC 29646-0066   TELEPHONE: (864) 227 - 2963


Location:  Mathews United Methodist Church

The Centurions.

     The Centurions travel the United States singing, witnessing, and praising God.  Established in September 1971,  Ronnie and Joette Carroll founded the group as a ministry with the purpose of spreading the word that Jesus saves, forgives, and heals.

     This Southern Gospel Mixed Quartet is noted for its smooth tight blending harmony, powerful stage presentation, and spiritual praise leadership .  Many churches and venues note that the Centurions leave them feeling like they have been in a song revival service. Many say they can feel the presence of the Lord in the songs and testimonies presented by this group.

     The Centurions are known for providing a great energetic program of Southern Gospel Music and a tremendous church service atmosphere of praise and worship.
Joette is blessed with a vocal clarity and smoothness that can only be a gift from God and a worshipful spirit that shows in every word.  When she sings, you feel the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, and when you witness her delivery of the songs " "Put That On My Account" "I Never Knew", "Letter Of Love", "God Walks The Dark Hills", and "Children Of The Dust", you feel the Holy Spirit moving on the service.
Ronnie has over 40 years dedicated to the ministry of Southern Gospel Music. His style and vocal range allows him to fill any part from a low baritone to first tenor, and yet provide the smooth harmony required in Southern Gospel music

     He opens up and gives all for the glory of God and allows the Spirit to be in charge. You can witness the energy and power of God in his voice when he sings "Children Come On Home", "I Believe In A Hill", "Take Up Your Bed", and "You Made A Great Change".   He is always first to let anyone know that life and living is not about him, or the Centurions, but all because of Jesus.

     Wayne enhances the group with a wonderful dynamic lead - baritone voice that presents Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to all.  His dedication and worshiping spirit are exemplified through his powerful voice.  His talent and sincerity is really expressed when he sings "I Believe In A Hill", "Lord", and "Beulah Land".  Wayne gives a tremendous testimony on the healing that God performed in his body after the terrible accident of April 29, 2005.  He is truly a soul winner for Christ.

     John Marsh is truly a real bass singer. God has gifted this man with a voice that has the depth and clarity that enhances the sound of the Centurions. John has been singing Southern Gospel since 1960 and his talent is a real blessing. When John hits those low notes you can feel the floor vibrate, and you look up and see a man on stage that is giving all he has to Glorify God. Every song that features John is presented with an anointing that touches everyone in the arena.

     Added together this group has over 150 years experience in Southern Gospel Music, and the polish of their performance shows in every presentation. Their harmony, testimony, and presentation opens the door to worship.  Yes, they have their light hearted moments, but they also know how to sing with the anointed power of God in their voices.  The group is of one mind and one accord when they state that their goal is to lead new souls to Jesus and see those that know HIM be blessed.

     Over the years the group has undergone changes, shared the stage with many of the old time greats, and traveled to a lot of places, but one thing remains for sure and that is the love of Jesus is steadfast, and it will prevail if we will hold to His unchanging hand. 

     The Centurions have dedicated their ministry to work mostly in Churches and religious gatherings. While we enjoy singing on stage with our friends, it is our deepest desire to have the opportunity to share the message that Jesus LOVES YOU, and to testify of His SAVING GRACE and healing power. Before every singing we pray that God will touch your heart through a song or testimony, but most of all we pray that His SAVING POWER will take control of the service. If you have a desire to be in an ole time song service atmosphere, then you will want to have the Centurions on your program.

     We are looking forward to being with you soon! 

     May God Bless

Mathews United Methodist Church Indentification Strip


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