CAMP E.D.G.E. Vacation Bible
School 2009 takes your children to an extreme
adventure camp where they Experience and Discover
God Everywhere! CAMP E.D.G.E. VBS is not your
typical stroll through the woods. It's an
action-packed, adrenaline-filled expedition that
teaches kids their strength and might come from God.
Through rockin' contemporary music, larger-than-life
recreation games, mind-boggling science activities,
extreme sports videos, and cool, challenging crafts,
you'll show your kids how to live on the E.D.G.E. in
their faith. CAMP E.D.G.E. VBS 2009 Daily E.D.G.E.
God is with me. I will stay
close to God.
God guides me. I will follow.
God teaches me. I will learn.
God loves me. I will love God
and others.
God sends me. I will go.